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:: Friday, March 12, 2004 ::

Congratulations Ebithy on getting accepted for PGCE at Uni of London!!! Commiserations to up and coming English students ... hardehar
:: By Katie at 3/12/2004 09:37:00 PM [+] ::
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:: Thursday, March 11, 2004 ::
Okey dokey, tis time I updated this INNIT!

I'll try to do this chronologically but there is a good chance that I'll fuck it up so bear with me.

I had a fantastic start to the year ... brought the year in with MOH (my other half) and friends Graeme and Phillippa in South London. We drank lots of wine and tequila and ate Mexican food, then next morning we sat about chatting and watching Sound of Music and Grease. Some people's idea of hell but we had a fab time.

I then spent the rest of the time before I had to go back to work doing NOTHING at all, once again with MOH and it was idyllic.

So, what about the rest of the month? Lots of work, which has had shitty moments but some gooduns too. Lots of eating out with friends and going to flicks. Oh, went to a ceilidh in Camden with work chums and vash ... it was vey much fun, although these Southerners are a bit tame for my liking ... even when they did try to fling me about I always managed to send them flying :)

Had lots of people round for pancakes on Shrove Tuesday ... you know those moments when Ma Walton would look around at all the family round the table and look as if all was well with her world? It was like that, had such a lovely night!

I went home to Scotland for a few days, which was nice, although (love them to bits but) my family can be pretty high tariff, as can my mates. It was fab being in Glasgow, it really does feel like home.

More recently ... last Saturday I met C4s very own monkey, Ebi. She came here for the day and I cooked for her. She was lovely company and relatively sane .... contrary to what I had been warned, I don't think she stole anything!!!

On Sunday, MOH did his first gig in London since we have moved here. He was FANTASTIC!!! It was in a club called 333 on Old Street ... apparently that is a vey popular club. Well he rocked and the audience and club promoter LOVED them, I was so proud. The band have another 3 gigs scheduled for this month: Glasgow, Belfast and Copenhagan.

As predicted, everything has been wonderful with me and Dave since New Year ... the pressure of my work is off and I can be more of a support to him, we are getting on famously and I love him to bits!!!!!11oneone

Last night I went to my friend Rina's house for fondue that my friend Kathrin had brought all the way back from swizzerland ... I can still feel everything in my stomach swimming in cheese, but it was lovely. It was a late celebration of Kathrin's birthday ... for which she was given a Rampant Rabbit vibrator, I think she was quite taken by it!!!

Today I had my first table tennis match for the indoor tournaments ... it was random doubles i.e. me and Lynne from my lab against two blokes that have played together for the last 15 years ... they were far too good for us and we lost :(

Never mind!

All in all, everything is fab and I am happier than that arsehole Larry ... WOOHOOOO!

Oh ... must not forget ... thanks DD for fixing my broken blog and for getting me a functional comments thingymyjigger!!!

Until next time ... SEEYA!!!

:: By Katie at 3/11/2004 08:08:00 PM [+] ::
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:: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 ::
Testing - will this new post show up?
:: By Katie at 3/03/2004 08:46:00 PM [+] ::
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DDevil is the king of the world!